Last month, 18 DREAM Alive scholars visited the Indianapolis Design Center to learn more about our company and the different career opportunities we offer within the architecture and engineering industry. Founded by former Indianapolis Colts player Tarik Glenn, the DREAM Alive organization focuses on mentoring Indianapolis Public School students in grades 6-12 to help them discover new career paths and break the cycle of poverty. Special thanks to three of our own staff members for taking time out of their busy days to speak with the students about their day-to-day roles, why they chose the careers they did, and their paths to American Structurepoint today. Project Architect Matt Jennings introduced the scholars to architecture, Team Leader Mike Maurovich discussed civil engineering, and Project Manager Ryan Selby spoke about land surveying. Hopefully in five to ten years, we’ll be welcoming one of those scholars as our newest staff member!
DREAM Alive Scholars Visit Indianapolis Design Center
May 5, 2022