Our very own Karen Saavedra presented vital information to an Indiana task force charged with developing a long-term plan for the state’s wastewater needs.
Karen represented the utility infrastructure engineering industry when testifying October 13 to the Indiana Task Force on Wastewater Infrastructure Investment and Service to Underserved Areas. Her presentation, livestreamed to the general public, covered the topic “Are Wastewater Management Systems in Indiana Achieving Recommended Standards?” Karen did a great job converting “techy” info into easy-to-understand nuggets while sharing case studies about the challenges three client communities face in serving their residents. Slides from her presentation are available at this link: http://iga.in.gov/documents/5b76ce33
Karen had this to say about her experience. “I was honored to have this opportunity to speak to the task force about the importance of adequate funding, training, and education of the public in regards to our state’s wastewater systems. It was a great learning and growth experience for me. The task force is gathering information about how to help the wastewater systems in Indiana be able to adequately operate, maintain, and grow their systems to protect public health and help drive economic development in our state. I was proud to represent American Structurepoint at the state level!”
The 18-member task force will make funding and service recommendations in a report to Gov. Eric Holcomb by December 1, 2021.