Road diet ahead – make way for more roundabouts, fewer lanes, and a landscaped center median! That’s the recipe for a $13.5 million project to improve traffic flow and increase public safety on Range Line Road from 116th Street to the 4th Street entrance to the Carmel Arts & Design District in Carmel, Indiana, and American Structurepoint is overseeing it all. We are doing construction management of the entire project that includes removing all the traffic signals and building new roundabouts at six key intersections along the corridor. Traffic lanes will be reduced from 5 lanes to just 2 lanes from 4th Street to Executive Drive. We also are providing design services for the roundabouts at 116th Street, Executive Drive, and Medical Drive. We also are designing the streetscape for the entire project that calls for a landscaped median and a multi-use path, bicycle track, sidewalk construction, and roadway resurfacing.
Range Line Road to Undergo $13.5 Million Makeover
May 3, 2017