Here’s a salute to the 34 employees receiving Round of Applause Awards in March. Remember to recognize those who do a great job in April by nominating them for a Round of Applause.
- Sam Balog
- Jordan Barker
- Ted Bleicher
- Rick Blevins
- Matt Bobay
- Josh Cribelar
- Derrek Day
- AJ Edwards
- Lindsay Emmons
- Karen Gillmore (3)
- Nevil Gomes
- Shirley Gray
- Andy Gottschalk
- Gannon Grimmer
- Shashad Gujaran
- Adam Hunley
- Amman Kebede
- Sara Krock
- Jose Jarquin
- Krista Lawson (2)
- Sarah Marchisin (3)
- Brandon McClung
- Lily Michal
- Melody Niquette
- Aaron Nordstrom
- Patrick O’Connor
- Sharon Payne (2)
- Rahul Rajbhara
- Beth Schneider
- Stefy Stand
- Jonathan Sutterer
- Dhane Thomas (4)
- Jeff Thornberry
- Maya Quandt