American Structurepoint nation, get ready to support Project Development Director Eric Farny (Indianapolis Road Group) early next year in his quest to become Man of the Year for the Indianapolis region of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). The organization recently announced that Eric is one of over a dozen men and women who will be raising money for LLS in honor of local children who are blood cancer survivors. The fundraising event will take place February 18 through May 1, 2021. One of Eric’s goals is to raise enough funds so that his son, Noah, can be added to the LLS Children’s Initiative Portfolio in 2021 to honor his team’s effort to help people, especially children, with blood cancers. This specific initiative is a way for young patients to not only survive their cancer but thrive in their lives after treatment. For most pediatric blood cancers, the treatments are harsh and outdated. The long-term effects of current therapies can create severe life-threatening complications, which is why LLS is increasing their investment in pediatric research. Noah successfully completed treatment in 2019 and has been cancer-free for over a year.
Currently, Eric is working on putting together his fundraising plan and welcomes any ideas or leads for fundraising opportunities. The Man and Woman of the Year titles are award to those in each community raising the most money during the 10-week campaign. And in 2021, be watching the blog for updates on how you can get involved!