American Structurepoint employees proved eager to improve their recycling savvy by turning out for an Earth Day lunch n learn session in the Grandview Conference Rooms. Iva Benjamin of Ray’s Trash Service covered recycling basics in an informative presentation that attracted more than 50 employees. Ray’s Trash Service, which handles all recyclables at our headquarters, operates the largest independent recycling and waste company in Indiana. It processes 13,600 tons of recyclables a month from all its facilities, of which 7,713 tons are fiber materials, 2,370 tons are stone, and the rest is plastic. Stone materials are ground and crush into material used for sidewalks, driveways, and roads. We learned that cardboard can be recycled into new cardboard and paper towels; office paper converted to toilet paper; aluminum cans can be converted into foil and rain gutters; steel cans converted to steel used to build cars, appliances, and even bridges; and plastic bags can be recycled into carpets, trash cans, lawn furniture, flower pots, and polyfill for coats. Each attendee received a handout that depicts the types of items that can and cannot be recycled. Basic tip – any plastic material with a number 1 through 7 on it can be recycled.
Successful Earth Day Lunch N Learn
May 3, 2017