16 Tech Celebrates Construction Milestone

A significant milestone in the construction of the first new structure in the 16 Tech Innovation District was celebrated with a topping-out ceremony. On July 11, construction workers hoisted two 150-pound, 10-foot-long beams into the air to make the building’s final structural installation. More than 100 residents, community members, and construction partners joined in the celebration. The beams were ceremoniously autographed by hundreds of people including community members and future tenants of the building.

American Structurepoint has been involved in the design, construction, relocation, renovation, improvement and/or equipping of certain infrastructure as necessary to solicit, facilitate, and support private sector development of the 16 Tech campus. The public infrastructure we designed to accommodate the $30 million Advanced Research and Innovation Building is currently under construction and will be substantially complete this year. Additionally, our Civil Engineering Group completed the entire site design. The building will include 120,000-sft of office, lab, and meeting space and will be home to the Indiana School of Medicine’s Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering as well as the headquarters for the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership. Construction is expected to be completed in May 2020.

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