Don Corson Joins Committee to Update Building and Fire Safety Codes

Change can be a good thing. When it comes to the Indiana building and fire safety codes, change will be a welcome update for designers, contractors, and occupants alike! Building industry design and construction professionals are currently working with state codes based on model code versions that are between 9 and 15 years old (2006 plumbing, 2009 electrical, 2012 building, 2012 mechanical, 2012 fire, 2007 energy conservation). They have grown increasingly frustrated at having to secure variances to incorporate updated technologies and improved practices not properly addressed in these outdated codes. That’s where Senior Project Manager Don Corson (Structural Group, Indianapolis) comes in.

Don was recently appointed as the (only) licensed engineer on a seven-person Code Update Exploratory Committee by the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission under the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. The commission had recognized the tension in the industry and after soliciting public comments last November, which were overwhelmingly in favor of updating the codes, they approved the creation of the Exploratory Committee in December. ACEC Indiana nominated Don for the position because of his advocacy for code updates in articles and presentations and his service on their Vertical Committee. The Exploratory Committee will review the existing building and fire safety codes and recommend a plan forward for updating the existing codes. These industry standards for building design and construction will ensure an improved quality of life for the state of Indiana’s communities and people. Thanks for upholding our company mission in an exemplary way, Don!

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