Lake Station Water Filtration Plant Project Coming to a Close

The Lake State Indiana Water Filtration Plant project will finish on or about Friday, January 15, 2016. American Structurepoint began work on the project in 2008. The first step involved creating a water system Capital Improvement Plan for the City that studied current and future water system needs and identifying needed infrastructure improvements correlating to expanding and improving the existing water treatment and distribution system. The project included a hydraulic model of the water distribution system and preparing a preliminary engineering report for the water filtration plant for SRF funding of $11.7 million. American Structurepoint designed a 2.0-MGD drinking water treatment plant, five groundwater supply wells, renovation of an existing booster pump station, and approximately 16,000 linear feet of both raw and finished water main.

Key personnel during the construction were Don Grimstad and Derek Urban. Don was the on-site engineering during the bulk of the construction and was responsible for the oversite of two contractors at the same time. Derek helped with the technical startup and initial operation of the plant and booster station. Both were instrumental in working through construction issues and helped make this project successful.

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