Healthpoint Hub

100 Point$ for $100

Each quarter, 100 Healthpoint$ enters you to win! Rack up your Healthpoint$ by participating in Healthpoint activities.

New Health Coach at the Indianapolis Office

Our personal health coach will be on site in Indianapolis on the fourth Monday and Thursday of every month. Employees outside of the Indianapolis area are encouraged to consult with our health coach, Jennifer Moehling from Community Health Network, via email or phone. Moehling is a great resource for health education, support, and consultation about topics such as nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, blood pressure, stress relief, and many other health-related topics.

She is available to all employees by phone or email for one-on-one coaching and is very passionate about helping others achieve goals by finding happiness and health in all aspects of their lives.


Jennifer Moehling
(317) 621-7113
[email protected]

Q3 – Summer Steps Walking Campaign

Back by popular demand, Healthpoint’s Q3 campaign will feature a team walking competition.  Keep your eyes open for more information in the upcoming months!

June Festivals


  • Talbot Street Art Fair, June 8-9
  • TASTE of Tippecanoe, June 15
  • South Bend Blues & Ribs Festival, June 22
  • Shipshewana Quilt Festival, June 26-29
  • Fishers Freedom Festival, June 29-30
  • Greenwood Freedom Festival, June 29


  • Columbus Art Festival, June 7-9
  • Park Street Festival, June 7-8
  • Dean Martin Festival, June 13-15
  • Simply Slavic, June 15
  • London Strawberry Festival, June 20-22

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