Fort Presents on Town of Speedway WWTP


By Leslie Benson, Marketing Communications > Cindy Fort (Utility Infrastructure) spoke at the Water Environment Federation’s 2013 Residuals and Biosolids Conference: Emerging Opportunities for Sustainable Resource Recovery on May 7 at the Nashville Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Fort and co-presenter Norm Berry, Speedway’s wastewater treatment plant superintendent, gave a presentation on a project case study, entitled, “Speedway WWTP Biosolids Upgrade Storage Nitrification-Denitrification Reactor Results in Ammonia Loading Reduction.”

According to the WEF website, “Twenty years since the declaration of the 40 CFR Part 503 Biosolids Regulation, the use of Residuals and Biosolids as beneficial, sustainable natural resources continues to increase. This conference provides an opportunity to learn the basics, with the most up-to-date bioenergy and sustainability initiatives including the latest techniques in land application, bioenergy production, and harvesting nutrients.”

The conference was held by WEF in cooperation with the Kentucky-Tennessee Water Environment Association, Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) and US Composting Council.

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